This 8-week introductory class focuses on learning the basic skills of improvisation: team-building, trust, active listening, and agreement. Whether you want to become a performer or become a more effective communicator, listener, and leader, this course is for you. This class is the gateway to all things ComedySportz.

Note - You must be over 18 and out of High School to attend CSz Improv classes.

Wednesday Class
Dates: Feb 12 - April 2
Time: 2 - 4 PM

Saturday Class
Dates: Feb 15 - April 5
Time: 2 - 4 PM

Student showcase will be held on Saturday, April 5

Fee: $225

Location: Community of Christ-Kirkwood
830 N Kirkwood Rd


This class will focus on applying the principals learned in CSz 101. Students will learn to practice aggressive agreement and bold support. The skills learned in this class will transfer to almost any improv experience and will strengthen all the soft-skill development you bring with you to the class.

Note - You must have completed CSz 101 or receive instructor permission to enroll in the class.

Dates: Feb 15 - April 5
Time: 2 - 4 PM

The showcase will be held on Saturday, April 12

Fee: $225

Location: Community of Christ-Kirkwood
830 N Kirkwood Rd



Want to play Improv?

What is Improv?

Improvisation, or improv, sets up a safe, fun environment for a person to undergo experiential self-directed learning.

Some benefits of learning improv:

Increased Confidence.

Improved Public Speaking Skills.

Improved Listening and Observation Skills.

Enhanced Acting Abilities.

Gained Comfort in Social Settings.

The only rule is that there are no rules.
— Del Close